Holiday Alternatives


Toss the turkey and ban the ham. The South Florida culinary landscape is too broad to stick to the staples during the holidays. With the wide variety of restaurants and renowned chefs in South Florida, you have plenty of opportunities to indulge in out-of-the-box dishes and take a break from the parade of standard holiday fare. Here are just a few dishes (as well as a dessert and cocktail) from restaurants throughout Broward and Palm Beach counties.


Try this: Lobster wrap. This dockside restaurant with a casual vibe is a perfect spot to catch a holiday sunset. Indulge in a little late-afternoon treat while you’re unwinding with this seafood wrap filled with lemon dill lobster salad, lettuce, tomato and red cabbage slaw wrapped in a garlic tortilla.


Read the full Lifestyle Magazine article HERE.

Karlee Kunkle